Palavras-chave: Projeto de Poço, Formação Pirabas e Perfilagem Geofísica


  • Josafá Ribeiro de Oliveira
  • Felisberto M. Centeno Júnior
  • Manfredo Ximenes Pontes
  • Manoel Imbiriba Júnior
  • João Benedito da Silva Botelho


The urban and industrial expansion in the Metropolitan Region of Belém is
imposing a large demand o ground-water and, consequently, is increasing the construction of
deep wells as shown in the inventory elaborated by Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos
Minerais (CPRM), within the project Hydrogeological Studies of Metropolitan Region of
Belém, in which were listed more than 60 deep tubular wells, from which 45 are still in
operation , continuously, twenty four hours a day. The early drills are of the end of decade of
70, beeing CORNEA and CPRM, followed by FEMAC and HIDROENGE the pioneers. In the
90’s it was an increment in the number of drillings, specially in depths larger than 130 meters.
In the drilling of these wells ,it was utilized rotary drills. The FEMAC GEOSOLO Engenharia
Ltda. and HIDROENGE are leading the drillings with 60% and 40%, respectively, in the RMB.
COSANPA works with 30 wells, furnishing approximately 9,000 m3/h of ground-water from 15
deep wells. There are 10 industrial deep wells, but, in lieu of lack of information, it was not
possible to estimate the total volume exploited. With regard to constructive aspects, the
method utilized is the rotary drilling with depths of about 280m and chambers of pumping
between 12 and 14 inches. Almost all wells are reveted with schedulle 40 tube and with inox
screen filters with 8 inches. In relation to pumping equipment, the wells ara adapted with
submersible pumps Leão and Ebara, with capacity of 150 up to 300m3/h ; the total costs of
ground-water wells ranging R$ 150,000 and R$ 170,000.

Como Citar
de Oliveira, J. R., Centeno Júnior, F. M., Pontes, M. X., Imbiriba Júnior, M., & Botelho, J. B. da S. (2000). CONSTRUÇÃO DE POÇOS TUBULARES PROFUNDOS NA REGIÃO METROPOLITANA DE BELÉM. Águas Subterrâneas. Recuperado de