Hydrogeological assessment of the region of Aramari and Ouriçangas-Bahia
Hydrogeological and hydrochemical aspects of groundwater in the municipalities of Aramari and Ouriçangas were studied in order to evaluate the potential for water production wells in the region, relating them to the main sedimentary formations present in the area, as well as information on its type and quality. The hydrogeological data enabled set the NE-SW direction of groundwater flow. The statistical thresholds for the flow rates were established, determining the best wells in the area and its connection with the formations Barreiras, Marizal, São Sebastião, Candeias / Sergi and the Group Ilhas undivided. Regarding quality, emphasis has been placed mainly the presence of barium, barite mineral component, which occurs as cement in sandstone lenses of Marizal Training percolated by groundwater in the region, and that can cause serious harm to human health. The triangular diagram of Piper was used to determine the classification of these waters, revealing essentially of sodium chlorinated nature in eleven wells studied. Waters are generally of good quality, with the exception of some high salinity and have influences of training Candeias / Sergi. Nitrate, potassium, barium, lead and aluminum exceeded the maximum acceptable value for human consumption in some samples, the first two being probably originated from anthropogenic contamination as barium, lead and aluminum would be associated with geogenic contamination