Numerical simulation of groundwater flow of urucuia aquifer system in Cor-rente River hydrogeological watershed (BA)
Steady state groundwater flow simulation of Urucuia Aquifer System (UAS) in the Corrente river watershed was carried out in order to quantify the water balance and to understand the dynamics of the groundwater flow. The UAS is located in the San Francisco river watershed and corresponds to a set of interconnected aquifers that occur in the Urucuia group. The aquifer is composed of sandstones with a table mountain architecture. In order to perform the numerical simulation, finite element method was applied using FEFlow (Finite Element Subsurface Flow e Transport Simulation System) computational algorithm. The following hydrodynamic parameters were obtained from numerical simulation: horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivity of 9.7 x 10-5 m/s; maximum and minimum recharges of 267 mm/y and 142 mm/y, respectively; and baseflow of 1.26 x 107 m³/day. The results of the steady state model confirmed the homogeneous and isotropic nature of the aquifer as well as its importance in maintaining the flow of São Francisco River.