Hartt model application in the study of Bauru Aquifer System (BAS) water table depths oscilations under cerrado vegetation
Monitoring the relationship between water supply and demand in vulnerable and strategic areas, such as the Bauru Aquifer System (BAS), is necessary for balance economic and ecological interests of activities developed in these areas. The aim of this study is to explain, from HARTT (Hydrograph Analysis: Rainfalland Time Trend) autoregression model, the behaviour of water table oscilations of Bauru Aquifer System at native vegetation (Cerrado) areas in order to understand how groundwater levels respond to different stresses from precipitation events and vegetation management. Time series of precipitation and water table depths monitored at five piezometers are used as data inputs at HARTT model. The model results presented similarities with the original data ranging calibrations with R2 superior to 80%. The delay from a precipitation event to a groundwater response was one month for all wells. In other words, it means that after a precipitation event, the groundwater levels rise after this temporal delay. These results are need in order to generate the technical knowledge necessary for the management of this resource. The use of time series models allowed to detect changes in the hydrological cycle and patterns associated mostly with precipitation.