Application of multivariate statistical analysis in the study of the quality of groundwater

Keywords: Ionic constituents. Cluster analysis. Well. Coastal zone. Northeast. Constituintes iônicos. Análise de agrupamento. Poço. Zona litorânea. Nordeste.


  • Maria da Conceição Rabelo Gomes Universidade Federal do Cariri - UFCa
  • Itabaraci Nazareno Cavalcante Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC


The rational and sustainable exploitation of water resources is becoming increasingly important, given that society coexists with several major challenges, especially those related to the increasing demand for water in quantity and quality as a consequence of the increase in the rate of growth population growth, the implantation of industries, the increase of the water footprint, food production, and finally, development, especially in areas of scarcity, as in arid and semi-arid regions, as in the case study area. As the use of groundwater for various purposes is also subject to quality, this work developed a methodology using the technique of factor analysis, coupled with multivariate cluster analysis, aiming to support the qualitative management. Similarities were found between physical and chemical properties capable of explaining possible processes responsible for water quality, taking as a case study the city of Fortaleza, Ceará. Factor analysis applied to physical and chemical properties identified three components account for approximately 86% of the total variance. The first indicator as salinity and pollution (K+, Ca+2, Mg2+, N-NO3-, dureza, CE and TDS); the second indicator as alkalinity (pH, bicarbonate, alkalinity); and the third salinity indicator (Cl-, Na+, CE and TDS). Multivariate analysis grouping component groups identified by forward three samples with different concentration ranges.

How to Cite
Gomes, M. da C. R., & Cavalcante, I. N. (2017). Application of multivariate statistical analysis in the study of the quality of groundwater. Águas Subterrâneas, 31(1), 134–149.