Hydrogeologic characterization of the sapucari and maruim karst aquifers, sergipe-alagoas sedimentary basin, northeast of Brazil
This article characterized the Sapucari and Maruim karst aquifers, Sergipe-Alagoas sedimentary basin, in the cities of Laranjeiras, Nossa Senhora do Socorro and Maruim through analysis of hydrodynamic parameters and water reserves. The hydrodynamic parameters analyzed were: discharge; specific capacity; static and dynamic levels; transmissivity; geological and geomorphological features; and structural aspects, integrated in a conceptual hydrogeological model. In the study area the hydrogeological investigation became necessary due the high importance of the groundwater resources for human and industrial supply. To determine the Transmissivity (T) the Theis recovery method (1935) was applied using the correlation of T with specific capacity (Sc). The results of T are heterogeneous in both aquifers, especially the Sapucari. In this aquifer, the mean of T is 725,42 m2/d, while in the Maruim aquifer is 113,42 m2/d. The annual volume of water exploited by existing catchments correspond to 26,2% of the Sapucari renewable reserve and 11,6% of the Maruim.