Intrinsic vulnerability of the aquifers in the municipality of Piracicaba, using the GOD method

Keywords: Groundwater. Intrinsic vulnerability. Contamination of aquifers. Águas subterrâneas. Vulnerabilidade Intrínseca. Contaminação de aquíferos.


  • Claudinei Garcia Universidade Estadual Paulista, Piracicaba - SP
  • Fabiano Tomazini da Conceição
  • Anna Silvia Palcheco Peixoto


The lack of situational studies on groundwater resources in Piracicaba where the increasing demands show a bottleneck situation until 2035, aligned the search for the assessment of the intrinsic vulnerability of groundwater in the municipality of Piracicaba through the GOD method(Groundwater hydraulic confinement; Overlaying strata; Depth to groundwater table), based on the cadastre of deep wells granted, the pedological and lithological characterization, and soil use data worked in a computational environment. The results generated by the deterministic tool, reveal that 86% of the area of the municipality has intrinsic vulnerability with indices between insignificant and low. The results obtained, although contextual, aim in synthesis to identify the places where it is pertinent to intensify resources and efforts for complementary and conclusive studies, and they constitute important first step for the characterization and evaluation of the risks to the local underground water resources.

How to Cite
Garcia, C., da Conceição, F. T., & Palcheco Peixoto, A. S. (2018). Intrinsic vulnerability of the aquifers in the municipality of Piracicaba, using the GOD method. Águas Subterrâneas, 32(2), 218–227.