Transmissivity and storage coefficient as obtained from diffusivity in non leaky confined aquifers
A specific code based on Theis equation was written which generated a random series of 18,000 theoretical Diffusivities (D) ranging from 0.012 m2/s to 8,914 m2/s in a non-leaky confined homogeneous aquifer. The code also served to provide 200 reaction times t0 (also called time lags or delay times) for observation wells placed at 15 different distances from the pumping well, for 6 different discharges, achieving eventually 18,000 random pairs (t0, D). These pairs and its further developments were subjected to power regressions and logarithmic regressions which led to the analytical expression for D as a function of the distance r (m) from the pumping well to an observation well and of the reaction time t0 (min) of the later. Once D is known, further expressions are proposed which split it into its constituent’s (s’ = drawdown at a time t’ in min) and storativity ( ). The values obtained for D, T, and S are validated by comparison to 40 values of these parameters obtained from 15 long term aquifer tests performed during the 1980s in the Cabeças Aquifer, Vale do Gurguéia/Piauí/Brazil. This approach is considered as suitable for providing reliable values of D, T, and S which are required for supporting design, construction, and installation of wells and well fields.