Natural vulnerability of aquifers and the potential contamination of groundwater resources in the State of Acre
Aquifers are strategic reservoirs for any territorial unit as they serve as future use. However, they must be adequately protected from potential polluting loads, whether of anthropic or industrial origin. Such actions depend on policies promoted by the government and the conditions of urban settlements on aquifers, thus establishing a condition of vulnerability. In this sense, the present study aims to analyze the natural vulnerability of the Rio Branco aquifer, located in the city of the same name, in the state of Acre. For this, the GOD - G (Groundwater occurrence), O (Overall aquifer class), D (Depth to groundwater table) methodology was used to evaluate the aquifer 's natural vulnerability using also geoprocessing techniques. The study identified that Rio Branco aquifer has a high degree of vulnerability (0.6) with the application of the methodology and, in this sense, also proposes and contributes to efficient public policies within the city's territorial planning as a way to minimize the direct impacts on this important one. subsurface reservoir.