Characterization of caffeine behavior in unsaturated soils from the use of column tests
One way of verifying the origin of a potential contaminant in the groundwater is the presence of caffeine, since it is a direct indicator of contamination by domestic effluents. In this context, this work aims to analyze the influence of the unsaturated soils in the percolation of this compound and to relate its presence in underground water wells. To this end, were used sediments from outcropping geological units of the Barreiras formation and Depositos Litorâneos, where were subjected to column tests in three different sizes (0.5 / 1.0 and 2 meters) and the pre-defined coffee solution was launched in each of them (for each type of specific sediment) and collected at its end. The results show that for the Barreiras formation (characterized by having intercalations of clay and silt), caffeine was retained only in the first meter of sediments, where it was noticed that the presence or absence of elements in the soil, are fundamental to influence the capacity compound retention in this type of sediments. The Depósitos Litorâneos (unconsolidated sediments) removed caffeine in a progressive manner, allowing to infer that for this type of formation, the depth of sediments is a predominant factor in the removal of such compound. When analyzing these results with the amount of caffeine present in groundwater wells, it was found that when not associated with other types of processes, the amount of caffeine released both in the Depósitos Litorâneos and in the Barreiras Formation was less than 350 mg / L and 100 mg / L, respectively.
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