Use of hydrogeophysical data and numerical models as an alternative to optimize well locations in an unconfined aquifer
Aquifers compartmentalized by faults are subject to several alterations, among which the variation of saturated thicknesses and flow patterns. The Barreiras Aquifer, located in the eastern part of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, is structurally compartmentalized by Neogene faults. This aquifer has a battery of 12 tubular wells installed in 2011, which capture about 750 m³/h destined to the water supply of several municipalities. In this context, this article addresses the optimization of additional well locations through the alternative use of hydrogeophysical data and numerical models, within a structurally compartmentalized aquifer. The methodology used 1D inverse geoelectric models, a correlation between lithological profiles of wells and hydrogeophysical cross-sections, aimed at deepening the characterization of the structural compartmentalization of the aquifer. In addition, the study performed a saturated thickness map to guide the numerical simulations performed in MODFLOW. The saturated thickness map indicates that in the western region exhibits the smallest values of saturated thickness, between 30 and 40 m. On the other hand, there are isolines from 70 to a maximum of 90 m saturated thickness in the northeast area. Numerical simulations, in turn, indicated that relative grabens areas are the most favorable for future drilling. These areas have the highest saturated thickness, and, thus, being able to indicate sectors with highest exploitation flows available.
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