Análise da variação da crosta terrestre devido às mudanças sazonais de massa d’água no estado de Minas Gerais
This paper aims to verify the potential of the GRACE mission data to investigate the relationship between the water load and the crust variations due to the hydrological cycle. The study was carried out in the state of Minas Gerais by comparing and evaluating a quantity supplied by GRACE models, entitled Equivalent Water Height (EWH), with in-situ data, derived from linimetric stations from Brazilian Water Agency and GNSS continuous monitoring stations belonging to IBGE. The study was conducted from the time series analysis of the seasons, as well as the computation of the Pearson correlation coefficient between the studied quantities. The results showed that the study region, even though it does not have water dynamic as intense as that of the Amazon region, it was possible to detect in three stations a correlation coefficient greater than 0.77 between the data from the GNSS stations and the EWH information. Besides, an amplitude up to 4 cm was observed concerning the vertical movement of the crust from GNSS station information. Finally, it was possible to obtain a relationship between EWH data and the fluviometric stations in periods of greater and lesser water load in the studied stations.
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