Mapping of regions susceptible to contamination by hydrocarbons from gas resale stations in João Pessoa – Paraíba
It is evident that the gas stations present risks of possible contamination of water and soil, being therefore of public interest the mapping and study of these establishments to guarantee the prevention against contamination of supply wells and springs, mainly. In addition, the municipal legislation, the criteria and requirements for obtaining environmental licenses must be in line with the local physical characteristics. In this view, the present work aimed to study the susceptibility of contamination by hydrocarbons from gas stations in the city of João Pessoa and thus generate susceptibility maps listing the areas of greatest potential for contamination and proximity to gas stations in areas bordering on rivers, by crossing spatial and bibliographic data on pedology, hydrogeology and slope. In addition to analyzing these points based on current legislation. From these results, it was possible, in general, to observe that most posts do not respect the minimum distance between the units described by the legislation and that João Pessoa's susceptibility varies, mostly territorial, between moderate and critical. Therefore, geoprocessing was presented as a very efficient tool in the treatment of these data, highlighting its great contribution in the area of environmental studies and monitoring.
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