Use of activated carbon from orange peel in the sustainable and low-cost treatment of water from a tubular well located in the semi-arid region of Paraíba
The present work had as objective to verify the effectiveness of the use of the activated carbon of the orange peel in the sustainable and low-cost treatment of the water of a tubular well located in the semi-arid region of Paraíba. The activities were carried out at the Chemistry Laboratory (LQ) of the IFPB, Campina Grande campus - PB and at the Activated Carbon Laboratory at UFPB. The water samples were collected in a tubular well located in the rural area of the municipality Pocinhos-PB. The parameters analyzed were: carbonic acidity, alkalinity, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, total hardness, chloride, pH, electrical conductivity, percentage of ash, total dissolved solids and color. The water analysis process was divided into three parts, in the first part, the analysis of the water before the filter, in the second part, the samples were analyzed after passing through a conventional filter, and in the third part, the efficiency of adding a layer of activated carbon from the orange peel was evaluated. With the use of the filter with the orange peel activated carbon layer, there was a reduction in pH values, percentage of ash, total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, carbonic acidity, alkalinity, chloride and total hardness. It is concluded that the associations of the conventional filter with the activated carbon of the orange peel generated great efficiency in the reduction of all the analyzed parameters. However, water from the tubular well cannot be consumed by the human population, as the total dissolved solid parameters, chloride and total hardness are still outside the standards required by Brazilian legislation.
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