Estimates of hydrogeological potential in unconfined aquifer from the transverse electrical resistance parameter

Keywords: Transverse electrical resistance, Hydraulic transmissivity, Hydrogeological potentialities, Barreiras Aquifer-RN. Resistência elétrica transversal, Transmissividade hidráulica;, Potencialidades hidrogeológicas, Aquífero Barreiras-RN.


  • Verônica Jorge Silva Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, RN, Brasil.
  • Leandson Roberto Fernandes Lucena Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, RN, Brasil.


The Barreiras Aquifer is a porous aquifer and has a predominantly unconfined hydraulic character, and it is the main water resource of the eastern coast of the Rio Grande do Norte State. The lack of reliable well data hinders the ability to prospect more promising areas for water exploitation, particularly outside urban perimeters. The research is based on the use of geoelectric methods, particularly the transverse electrical resistance parameter, as well as aquifer test for hydraulic parameters estimates, to identify areas with higher hydrogeological potentialities, targeting an area in the lower course of the Maxaranguape-RN river. The results show a strip in the center of the area with transverse electrical resistances greater than 25,000 Ohm.m², which were derived from vertical electrical sounding-VES data inversion and are associated with subareas of higher thicknesses and/or average resistivity of saturated zone. Linear regression analysis reveals that the average transversal resistivity of the saturated zone is strongly correlated to hydraulic conductivities, but not with the thickness of the saturated zone. Additionally, a map of hydraulic transmissivity estimates for the area was obtained considering geoelectric calibration and aquifer test in adjacent well. This highlights the range of higher transverse electrical resistance, which in turn has higher hydraulic transmissivities and, therefore are the most promising areas for future well location.


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How to Cite
Silva, V. J., & Lucena, L. R. F. (2022). Estimates of hydrogeological potential in unconfined aquifer from the transverse electrical resistance parameter. Águas Subterrâneas, 36(1), e-30092.