Influence of Topography on the Groundwater Surface in Dunes Coastal – Pecém, Ceará

Keywords: Topography, Water Table, Aquifers. Topografia, Superfície Freática, Aquíferos.


  • Francisco das Chagas Soares Instituto Federal do Ceará (IFCE), Fortaleza, CE.
  • Juan Moreira de Azevedo Instituto Federal do Ceará (IFCE), Fortaleza, CE.
  • Mariano Franca Alencar Instituto Federal do Ceará (IFCE), Fortaleza, CE.


Groundwater professionals and scholars have adopted regional aquifers that the water table moderately follows the topography. However, the study and deepening of this phenomenon is still incipient. Understanding the dynamics of the flow in porous media in sedimentary aquifers is strategic; it determines important water sources to support domestic, commercial and industrial supply. In this sense, this work addresses the impact of topography on the formation of the water table in dune regions of great occurrence on the coast of Brazil, taking as study the field of dunes in Pecém - Ceará. The topography influence suggested by Haitjema and Mitchell-Bruker (2005) was applied to conceptual models of the area. The recharge was applied to the annual average and to the average of each month of the year. The results indicates the change in the  influence of the topography on the formation of the water table, mainly due to the seasonality of the rainfall regime, showing that only in the months of higher rainfall (March and April) are there indicators of the influence of topography on the shape of the water table.


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How to Cite
Soares, F. das C. ., Azevedo, J. M. de ., & Alencar, M. F. . (2022). Influence of Topography on the Groundwater Surface in Dunes Coastal – Pecém, Ceará. Águas Subterrâneas, 36(1), e-30102.