Application of a Business Intelligence tool for the diagnosis of groundwater use in the state of Paraná and in its municipalities
In Brazil and Paraná, the right to use water resources is licensed through concessions of the right of use. Considering the growing demand for the use of groundwater, this work adopted as research material the documents of water licenses for abstractions in wells in the state of Paraná. With the use of the databases of the Water and Soil Institute of Paraná and performing data modeling with the Business Intelligence tool, a detailed interactive report was generated on the situation of the current well concessions in the State of Paraná and its municipalities until February 2022. With the system created, it became possible to quickly analyze the situation of each municipality and the state as a whole, facilitating decision-making and the adoption of new public measures for better management of the resource. To demonstrate its applicability, the general situation of the state was evaluated. In this, the wells granted in the state captured a total of 617.90 million m³year-1, and sanitation was the main purpose of these captures. There was in 2018, a growth in the total volume licensed in the state, having its apex in 2019. Regarding the number of permits issued, the use for agricultural purposes has been the main applicant since 2004. Comparing all municipalities in the state, the municipality of Cascavel had the highest demand for groundwater (24.97 Mi m³year-1), with the new wells presenting a trend of increasingly deep static levels. Thus, the application of Business Intelligence systems demonstrated its versatility for qualitative, quantitative and spatial data analysis, becoming a resource of great value for water management.
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