Use of inductive electromagnetic and electromagnetic data in the evaluation of conditioning structures of fractured aquifers and well productivity, in the Crystalline Basement Aquifer System, in the Bagé region (RS)

Keywords: Sistema Aquífero Cristalino, Aeromagnetometría, Compartimentação Estrutural e Hidrogeologia. Crystalline Aquifer System, Aeromagnetometry, Structural Compartmentation and Hydrogeology.


  • Rafael Lima Dessart Instituto de Pesquisas Hidraulicas da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (IPH/UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS.
  • Pedro Antonio Roehe Reginato Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS.
  • José Domingos Faraco Gallas Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, SP.


This paper presents the evaluation study of the hydrogeological behavior of the Crystalline Base Aquifer System, in the municipality of Bagé (RS), which is a region that experiences recurrent periods of drought, affecting supply and agriculture. One of the solutions found to remedy this problem is the drilling of tubular wells. In the municipality of Bagé, there is a fractured aquifer system, where the location of productive wells becomes more complex and the understanding of the factors that condition the system and the groundwater flow becomes very important. To achieve this objective, an analysis of the hydrogeological data of 174 tube wells, processing of aeromagnetic data and electromagnetic paths was carried out. In order to carry out the structural evaluation of the area, magnetic lineaments were identified through the use of different filters, enhancement methods in aeromagnetic data, available for Geosoft's Oasis Montaj software. Field collection of electromagnetic data was also carried out, with the equipment the EM34 model XL from Geonics, with the objective of confirming and validating the data of the interpreted aeromagnetic lineaments, being carried out 8 profiles of electromagnetic path. The results obtained show that the fractured aquifers in the region of the municipality of Bagé are compartmentalized, with different productivity and structural trends. The main aquifer structures occur in the NW direction, secondarily to the NE, and with an accentuation of their productivity when associated with crossings of structures, both to the NW and NE. The integrated interpretation of aerial and terrestrial data allowed recognizing the hydrogeological and structural behavior of the Crystalline Basement Aquifer System, where the results, presented in georeferenced maps, show the main zones and trends that are associated with fractured aquifers.


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How to Cite
Dessart, R. L., Reginato, P. A. R., & Gallas, J. D. F. . (2023). Use of inductive electromagnetic and electromagnetic data in the evaluation of conditioning structures of fractured aquifers and well productivity, in the Crystalline Basement Aquifer System, in the Bagé region (RS). Águas Subterrâneas, 37(2), e-30147.