Groundwater potential recharge zones maps as a novel tool for water security in the public supply
Cities socioeconomic development is dependent on the water security of the public water supply. The identification of groundwater potential recharge zones becomes fundamental to water resources planning and management, mainly when public water supply is at stake. The potential groundwater recharge zones map can be a facilitating tool to aid decision-making in this field. This study aims to map such zones of three small urban catchments whose water is destined to supply a portion of the city of Caxias do Sul, southern Brazil. The applied methodology considered six physical criteria: lineaments density, drainage density, hillslope geometry, land use and cover, hydrologic soil group and terrain slope. The weights assigned to each criterion were defined by applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), while the cartographic modeling to obtain the potential recharge zones map was developed in GIS software. The potential recharge zones classified as low and moderate levels are dominant in the three catchments, covering between 79.54 and 84.57% of the assessed areas. On the other hand, the high level happens between 15.43 and 20.46% of the studied areas, which is the most favorable for recharge. The criteria which most influenced the recharge zones were the hillslope geometry, land use and cover, hydrologic soil group and terrain slope. Groundwater potential recharge zone maps can be a novel tool to be applied to studies regarding water security, especially targeting public water supply.
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