Overexploitation of The Bauru Aquifer by the Campestre Water Source used for bathing purposes

Keywords: Mineral Water, Overexploitation, Bauru Aquifer, Spa Purposes Água Mineral, Superexploração, Aquífero Bauru, Fins Balneários.


  • Thays de Souza João Luiz Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP.
  • Jair Carlos Koppe Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul
  • Vládia Cristina Gonçalves de Souza Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul


This work aims to study the overexploitation of the Guarani Aquifer by Fonte Campestre. Fonte Campestre is a deep tubular well whose flow approved by the National Mining Agency (ANM) was equal to 185 m3/h. This mineral water well was intended to supply the flow that was used in the adduction well was equal to 370 m3/h. In addition to using a flow corresponding to twice the approved flow, the company responsible for exploring the spa was using mineral water to clean a refrigerator that was part of a conglomerate of companies of which the spa was part. In this work, the Fonte Campestre Economic Use Plan will be studied in a very summarized way, so that the difference between the use of mineral water for consumption and the use for bathing purposes is understood.  The ANM, which is a federal agency, as a way of solving this case of greedy mining, reduced the flow that varied between 342 and 370 m3/h to the value approved in the Economic Use Plan and forced the company to comply with several mitigating measures to remedy the problem caused by the greedy mining of mineral water.


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How to Cite
Luiz, T. de S. J., Koppe, J. C. ., & Souza, V. C. G. de . (2022). Overexploitation of The Bauru Aquifer by the Campestre Water Source used for bathing purposes. Águas Subterrâneas, 36(1), e-30158. https://doi.org/10.14295/ras.v36i1.30158