Exploration of groundwater in anular morphostructures that control the occurrence of the aquifer sistems at the Paraná Basin Rio Grande do Sul
The stereoscopic visual interpretation of stereoscopic pairs obtained with the Landsat Google Earth Pro Image at diferent scales, provided the recognition of several morphostructures in the Paraná Basin, Rio Grande do Sul, whose geometry is essential for the location of favorable sites for ground water exploration. The study carried on different formations of the Paraná Basin, Rio Grande do Sul, resulted in the identification of five mega domic structures and seven anelar morphostructures, with diameters between ten and twenty kilometers. These morphostructures were analyzed in terms of drainage patterns and dipslopes mapping, that indicating positive and negative sites for groundwater exploration. The methodology was tested trough data from wells located in three morphostructures chosen to validate the proposed methodology. There was agreement between the choice of sites from aerogeological interpretation, with the data provided by the wells. The proposed methodology is applicable and effective, specifically in the Paraná Basin and generally in other intracratonic basins. The results indicated that to domes the center of structure and its surroundings are negatives for groundwater while in basins the center are positive sites. Also the edges of the morphostructures in the annular drainages, both domic and basins, are positive sites for groundwater.
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