The hard rock aquifer in semiarid

analysis of models based on geological-structural data and airborne and terrestrial geophysical methods

Keywords: Groundwater, Hard rock aquifer, Structural geology, Airborne and terrestrial geophysics, Semiarid. Água subterrânea, Meio fissural, Geologia estrutural, Geofísicas aeroportada e terrestre, Semiárido


  • Carlos César Nascimento da Silva Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN, Natal-RN, Brasil
  • Walter Eugênio de Medeiros Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN, Natal-RN, Brasil
  • Emanuel Ferraz Jardim de Sá Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN, Natal-RN, Brasil
  • Maria da Guia Lima Serviço Geológico do Brasil – SGB/CPRM, Natal, RN


In a large area of NE Brazil, where the effects of the semi-arid climate and crystalline terrain overlap, hard rock aquifers are the only sources of water, especially in periods of prolonged drought. The traditional location of wells, based on geological-structural, geomorphological and remote sensor product analyses, involves high exploratory risk, resulting in about 30 to 40% of failure. This stems from the difficulty of assessing which are the dominant discontinuities (fracture or foliation), as well as which have higher hydrogeological potential. In this research, data from airborne (electromagnetic and magnetic) and terrestrial (geoelectric) geophysical surveys were integrated, in addition to structural analysis with a neotectonic bias. With the aim of improving the work of well locating, the results obtained demonstrate that the riacho-fenda and eluvial-alluvial trough models commonly coexist, allowing to outline their spatial distributions. In addition, it was possible to identify important geological and geophysical aspects to discriminate in the field which model effectively occurs.


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How to Cite
Nascimento da Silva, C. C., Medeiros, W. E. de, Jardim de Sá, E. F., & Lima, M. da G. (2023). The hard rock aquifer in semiarid: analysis of models based on geological-structural data and airborne and terrestrial geophysical methods. Águas Subterrâneas, 37(2), e-30197.