The groundwater flow in the coastal aquifer system associated with holocenic wind aeolian deposits in the Cassino/RS region
The flow behavior in coastal aquifers can be influenced locally by geological, geomorphological, topographic, hydrogeological, climatic, and anthropic factors. This paper aimed to evaluate the direction and controls of the groundwater flow linked to aeolian sediment layers, which are part of the Coastal Aquifer System (SAC) present in the Cassino/RS region. Drill holes, water levels, and ground penetrating radar surveys were applied. The results allowed us to characterize the lithologies, analyze the variability of static levels and flow power metrics, and identify the depositional architecture. As result, it was possible to identify that terrain’s morphology, texture, and geotechnical characteristics of the sedimentary deposits, and the stratigraphic stacking pattern of layers are the factors that locally determine the aquifer’s flow. This study contributed to the hydrological knowledge in the region and demonstrated that the water flow, even in regions nearby the coastline, may behave in variable directions.
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