Identification of the hydrological characteristics of aquifers in the eastern margin of the western chain of the Cordillera of Peru
Hydrogeochemical characterization of groundwater was the objective of this study. The community and water-use decision makers could use this research as a guide. This characterization is significant because it contributes to our understanding and broadens our knowledge of the chemical composition of groundwater, the interactions with the geologic environment, and the materials that make up the aquifer.
Samples of physicochemical variables such as pH, electroconductivity and tempera-ture were collected. In order to provide the community with information on the con-sumption and use of water resources, these samples were analyzed with the objective of describing the chemical composition of the water in the different environments evaluated.
The data collected with which the tests were subsequently performed were given among three formations which are: Chota Formation, Cajaruro Formation, El Milagro Formation. The results that we obtained with the tests carried out to the different se-lected parameters are divided into two, these are classified according to the drilling done and the results are: (1) Conductivity: 69.60µs/cm Ph: 8.78, Total Dissolved Sol-ids: 71.50 ppm Salinity: 700.00 ppm (2) Conductivity: 875.00µs/cm Ph: 9.74 Total Dissolved Solids: 244.00 ppm Salinity: 436.00 ppm Temperature: 22.30 ºC.
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