Hydrogeological dynamics of the coastal aquifers of the City of Quelimane, Mozambique
The hydrogeological dynamics of coastal aquifers of the City of Quelimane is studied through historical data from cores provided by the National Water Directorate (DNA). The hydrogeological variables were analyzed and processed in the Surf-11 program, Excel spreadsheet, and analyzed with geoprocessing techniques in ArcGIS in cartographic maps adapted from the explanatory Charts of the National Geology Department of Moçambique. At an average depth of ~12.27m, the cores showed a variation of the static level between 1.8m-sup and 4.0m-sup, with pumping rates ranging from 0 to 2.36 m3/h, and the dynamic level ranging from 0 to 9.0 m.-sup. The static level appears shallower, inferring that it is more susceptible to water contamination. The potentiometric surface suggested a dynamic of subterranean flow, whose sediment is predominantly in the Northwest and also in the Southeast direction. This hydrogeological information will help in the pioneering analysis of aquifers located in coastal areas susceptible to cyclical effects of tides, urban floods and tropical cyclones.
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