Integration of discrete fracture networks and flow simulator for quantification of hydrogeological uncertainty
In this study, a discrete fracture network model (DFN) and groundwater flow simulation were applied to a fractured aquifer of an open-pit mine. Conditional simulation of the fracture systems was developed to quantify and evaluate the uncertainty of geological structures and to predict possible hydrogeological risks associated with these uncertainties. The method used was based on the statistical characterization and simulation of spatial distribution scenarios of fracture lengths, directions and openings, as well as their influence on water flow behavior. The spatial configuration of the structures was generated using Poisson processes, while the lengths and angles were generated by Gaussian simulation. Flow simulation was performed with Modflow software. The resulting scenarios honored field data and quantified and evaluated the uncertainty associated with fracture distribution. In addition, the study was able to demonstrate the practical aspects of the proposed simulation method, which can then be applied to increase the planning and operational effectiveness of open-pit mines.
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