english Assessment of brackish groundwater of the semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte
quality and impacts on subsistence farming activities
The quality of water used in agricultural activities directly influences productivity and the quality of life of rural populations in the semiarid region. The objective of this work was to evaluate the water quality of 47 tubular wells in Rio Grande do Norte, considering the use of the resource for agricultural irrigation and animal watering. The variability of the physicochemical composition of water was performed using Principal Component Analysis and Durov and Schoeller-Berkaloff diagrams. Its classification for irrigation was determined by the Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR). The concentration of chemical elements was compared with thresholds described in reference documents. Seven principal components allowed to represent approximately 69% of the data variance. The classification of water types showed that more than half of the wells (56%) had mixed chlorinated water. A large part of the wells presented a high risk (43%) of salinization, but a low risk for sodification (45%). All water sources analyzed were inadequate for the yield of more sensitive plants (SAR ≥ 2), and with sodium levels (> 115 mg L-1) capable of causing some degree of leaf damage. The parameters pH, electrical conductivity, TDS (totals dissolved solids), chloride, manganese, uranium and zinc showed concentrations above the recommended limits for plant cultures. For animal production, TDS, magnesium, sulfate and manganese showed concentrations above the maximum recommended values. Most of the use restrictions were related to the irrigation activity, when compared to animal watering.
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