Groundwater recharge estimating in the Serra Geral aquifer system outcrop area - Paraná State, Brazil



  • Vinícius Menezes Borges Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Fernando Mainardi Fan UFRGS
  • Pedro Antônio Roehe Reginato UFRGS
  • Gustavo Barbosa Athayde UFRGS


This paper presents a study of groundwater recharge in Serra Geral Aquifer System (SASG) in Paraná. The estimation was performed by baseflow separation using the Eckhardt Filter. Three different methods were used for calculating BFImax parameter: Inverse Filter, Q90/Q50 Ratio and Eckhardt pondered pre-defined values. The BFImax values were obtained and compared in each watershed that covers SASG in Paraná. The recharge values obtained ranged from 156,89 mm/year to 489,18 mm/year. The average values calculated by using Inverse Filter, Q90/Q¬50 Ratio and Eckhardt Pondered was 355,59 mm/year, 352,08 mm/year and 293,81 mm/year, respectively. The results of the calculated BFImax suggests that pre-defined values for fractured aquifers by Eckhardt underestimate the recharge in volcanic-rock aquifers, due to its flow conditions. The recharge values obtained showed correlation with area slope and soil type, but not with the predominant aquifer type (sedimentary or fractured). The highest rates were identified in lower declivity areas and latosol occurrence areas. The obtained recharge values can contribute for a better management of groundwater in Paraná state, however, new studies using new methods are necessary for validating the results.  

Comment citer
Borges, V. M., Fan, F. M., Reginato, P. A. R., & Athayde, G. B. (2017). Groundwater recharge estimating in the Serra Geral aquifer system outcrop area - Paraná State, Brazil. Águas Subterrâneas, 31(4), 338–346.