Indicators in groundwater in a rural region of Igarapé-Açu Municipality, northeastern Pará State, western Amazon, Brazil



  • Juliana Feitosa Felizzola Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. Belém, PA. Brasil.
  • Marcelo Murad Magalhaes Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. Belém, PA. Brasil.
  • Cleo Marcelo de Araújo Souza Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. Belém, PA. Brasil.


Rural areas in the Northeast of Pará influence surface (igarapés) and underground (artisan wells) water flows. The region's rainfall processes, and the water stored underground contribute to the distribution of the amount of water in these small channels that feed first order rivers belonging to the two micro basins studied. The region's land uses interfere with these flows in terms of intensity, quantity of sediment carried and quality with the insertion of nutrients and substances resulting from the type of soil management carried out. Contamination of artesian wells and streams are often present without soil management planning, which has been monitored in this region for over 10 years. It was observed in this samples a presence of E coli (1986 NMP/100 mL), total coliforms (6045 NMP/100 mL) and Thermotolerant coliforms (5450 NMP/10 mL) in water samples in important concentrations. This type of monitoring helps plant cultivation and animal management be carried out in conjunction with the preservation of riparian and secondary forests.


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Comment citer
Feitosa Felizzola, J., Magalhaes, M. M. ., & Souza, C. M. de A. . (2024). Indicators in groundwater in a rural region of Igarapé-Açu Municipality, northeastern Pará State, western Amazon, Brazil. Águas Subterrâneas, 38(1), e-30255.